chemistry set and I found it fascinating," says Dr. Langer, who recalls how he kept playing with the chemicals and making colors change.“当我很小的时候,我的父母给了我一个吉尔伯特化学仪然后我就发现它很奇妙,”兰格博士回忆着他是如何玩耍化学药物和改变他们颜色的时候说道。The regolith was analysed by a chemistry set known as the Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyser, which contains so much water itself that it cannot detect the stuff in samples.挖掘到的土壤层将用一个化学装置来进行检测,装置中带有显微镜,电化学和传导性的检测器,其中带有大量的水,因此其将不能检测样品中是否含有水。。chemistry set相关词组,chemistry set是什么意思,chemistry set的用法,chemistry set的意思,chemistry set的例句,chemistry set的中文意思,chemistry set用法及例句等信息,希望对您的学习有所帮助!" />
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He talks about how his own curiosity about science and engineering grew from experimenting with a chemistry set when he was 10.


"When I was a little, my parents bought me a Gilbert chemistry set and I found it fascinating," says Dr. Langer, who recalls how he kept playing with the chemicals and making colors change.


The regolith was analysed by a chemistry set known as the Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyser, which contains so much water itself that it cannot detect the stuff in samples.


"chemistry set"的基本信息





